Monday, March 29, 2010


Just the end of the first school term, I'm wishing I'm graduating. I just came back from L.I.A camp. It was a torture. I had fever up to 38.9 degrees, which can be a not too bad things because I manage to escape from those scary evil physical trainings during the camp. But know what? More troubles after the camp.

Karina and Eugenia got sort of jealous because I got into the interview for excos. They started cursing all over facebook and explaining logic to them doesn't seem to work. Ah well, that's the reasons why I have minimal female friends. It hurts tho. It hurts to know that I've no friends. They are like the two 'head' of the class and I know things will turn out badly when I return to class. They are using hurtful words and just what have I done wrongly?

Hi, I'm forever alone.