Monday, November 14, 2011


I guess everyone is enjoying themselves because we're done with our O levels. I'm an exception. I'm lonely, I'm feeling empty, I have no one to talk to or go out with. Then again, I'm missing Samuel. When is he going to talk to me again? I remembered how we sneaked talking to each other the whole night and forgot about sleeping. I remembered the romantic skype time when he played the guitar and sang for me. He isn't mine, but why I am still expecting all these from him? I must be insane.

Back to the point, o levels. Well, I am not enjoying. I'm having this conflict, internal conflict. Preparing for the papers is a chore, doing the papers is stressful, getting the results is worse than anything else. I'm actually worrying about things that will happen 2-3 months later. I am totally insane.